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Peer-reviewed papers
(excluding conference papers/proceedings)
- Sakurai, R., K. Watanabe., K. Akiba., & Y. Yamamoto. (in press). “Development and current condition of brown bear education program at Shiretoko Utoro school: Based on interviews to stakeholders and survey to students.” Wildlife and Human Society. (in Japanese with English abstract)
- Sakurai, R., T. Uehara., H. Tsunoda., H. Enari., R. C. Stedman., & A. Onuma. (2024). “Developing a system model for articulating the social-ecological impacts of species reintroduction.” Ecology and Society.
- Sakurai, T., H. Tsunoda., H. Enari., & R. C. Stedman. (2023). “Public attitude and intention toward engaging in reintroduction of wolves to Japan”. Conservation Biology. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.14130
- Minato, N., Sakurai, R., Kito, Kazuya., Sasazawa, K., Fukushima, T., & Yamagata, K. (2023). “Application of Astronaut Training for Building Remote Teamwork.” Journal of Evolving Space Activity. DOI: 10.57350/jesa.98
- Sakurai, R., K. W. Nakamura., K. Haruta., K. Hashimoto., Y. Nakata., & T. Nakata. (2023). “Alternative approach for environmental education evaluations: Pilot attempt to utilize camera and sensor data.” Asia-Japan Research Academic Bulletin.
- Sakurai, R., & T. Uehara. (2023). “Valuation of student-led agricultural activities at university: Comparison of willingness to pay with inferred values.” Sustainability Science. DOI: 10.1007/s11625-023-01296-2
- Sakurai, R., T. Uehara., & T. Yoshioka. (2023). “Content analysis of newspaper articles regarding SDGs.” Kyosei Studies 17(1): 209-220. (in Japanese with English abstract).
- Uehara, T., M. Asari., R. Sakurai., M. Cordier., & M. Kalyanasundaram. (2023). “Behavioral barrier-based framework for selecting intervention measures toward sustainable plastic use and disposal.” Journal of Cleaner Production 384: 135609. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.135609
- Uehara, T., R. Sakurai., & T. Hidaka. (2022). “The importance of relational values in gaining people’s support and promoting their involvement in social-ecological system management: A comparative analysis.” Frontiers in Marine Science. DOI 10.3389/fmars.2022.1001180
- Sakurai, R., R. C. Stedman., H. Tsunoda., H. Enari., and T. Uehara. (2022). “Comparison of perceptions regarding the reintroduction of river otters and oriental storks in Japan.” Cogent Social Sciences 8 (1), 2115656. DOI: 10.1080/23311886.2022.2115656
- Sakurai, R., Uehara, T., Kondo, K., and Fujita, T. (2022). “Attitudes toward the sea and conservation of students at a junior high school offering marine education: A comparison among Likert-scale items, open-ended questions, and drawing.” Japanese Journal of Conservation Ecology 27: 181-195. (in Japanese with English abstract). DOI: 10.18960/hozen.2108
- Sakurai, R., Kobori, H., Togane, D., Higgins, L., Young, A., Kishimoto, K., Agnello, G., Cutajar, S., and Ham, Y. (2022). “A case study from the City Nature Challenge 2018: international comparison of participants’ responses to citizen science in action.” Biodiversity. DOI: 10.1080/14888386.2022.2054860
- Sakurai, R. (2022). “Changes in students’ learning skills through the first-year experience course: A case study over three years at a Japanese University.” Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education. DOI: 10.1108/JARHE-05-2021-0190
- Uehara, T., Asari, M., & Sakurai, R. (2022). “Knowing the rules can effectively enhance plastic waste separation on campus.” Frontiers in Sustainability. DOI: 10.3389/frsus.2022.1023605
- Tseng, Y. C., Sakurai, R, and To, K. (2021). “Comparing undergraduates’ Connection with Nature and New Ecological Paradigm in relation to intention of environmental behaviors in Taiwan and Japan.” Japanese Journal of Environmental Education 31(2): 38-50. DOI: 10.5647/jsoee.31.2_38
- Uehara, T., Hidaka, T., Tsuge, T., Sakurai, R., and Cordier, M. (2021). “An adaptive social-ecological system management matrix for guiding ecosystem service improvements.” Ecosystem Services. DOI:10.1016/j.ecoser.2021.101312
- Uehara, T., & Sakurai, R. (2021). “Have Sustainable Development Goal Depictions Functioned as
a Nudge for the Younger Generation before and during the COVID-19 Outbreak?” Sustainability. DOI: 10.3390/su13041672
- Sakurai, R., Tsunoda, H., Enari, H., Siemer, W. F., Uehara, T., & Stedman, R. C. (2020). “Factors affecting attitudes toward reintroduction of wolves in Japan.” Global Ecology and Conservation. DOI: /10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01036
- Sakurai, R., & Uehara, T. (2020). “Effectiveness of a marine conservation education program in Okayama, Japan.” Conservation Science and Practice. DOI: 10.1111/csp2.167
- Sakurai, R., Kamogawa, H., Kawashima, T., & Nakamura, K. (2020). “Potential of utilizing both internal and external evaluations in environmental education program evaluation – a case study of collaboration between practitioners and researchers in the Kiyosato Meeting -”. Japanese Journal of Environmental Education 29(3): 21-31. (in Japanese with English abstract).
- Sakurai, R., Uehara, T., & Yoshioka, T. (2019). “Students’ perceptions of a marine education program at a junior high school in Japan with a specific focus on Satoumi.” Environmental Education Research 25(2): 222-237
- Fajri, A. I., Sakurai, R., & Pramono, R. W. D. (2019). “Factors affecting sustainability of agriculture land management in Sarangan Megatan Indonesia.” Journal of Asian Research 3(4): 291-312.
- Uehara, T., Hidaka, T., Matsuda, O., Sakurai, R., Yanagi, T., and Yoshioka, T. 2019. “Satoumi: Re-connecting people to nature for sustainable use and conservation of coastal zones.” People and Nature. DOI:10.1002/pan3.10047.
- To, K., Chang, T., Kim, C., Lee, S., Sakurai, R., Ninomiya-Lim, S., Hata, N., Katayama, J., and Furihata, S. 2019. “International collaborative research possibilities for environmental education in Asia.” Japanese Journal of Environmental Education 28(4): 77-84.
- Sakurai, R., Okuda, K., & Tsukahara, D. (2018). “Application of the Hope Theory to understand reconstruction beliefs and life satisfaction level among residents following the Fukushima Disaster.” Journal of Asian Research 2(4): 162-175.
- Sakurai, R. (2018). “Effectiveness of marine education program on junior high school students with a specific focus on Satoumi”. Japanese Journal of Environmental Education 28(1): 12-22. (in Japanese with English abstract).
- Uehara, T., Sakurai, R., & Tsuge, T. (2018). “Cultivating relational values and sustaining socio-ecological production landscapes through ocean literacy: a study on Satoumi.” Environment, Development and Sustainability.
- Sakurai, R., & Uehara, T. (2017). “Contingent valuation study regarding placing campus patrol for reducing smoking at a university: applying inferred valuation approach to students.” International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics 38(2).
- Sakurai, R., Ota, T., & Uehara, T. (2017). “Sense of place and attitudes towards future generations for conservation of coastal areas in the Satoumi of Japan.” Biological Conservation 209: 332-340.
- Sakurai, R. (2017). “Educational effects of a mandatory First Year Experience course: what do students at College of Policy Science learn in the Introductory Seminar?” Ritsumeikan Higher Educational Studies 17: 151-164. (in Japanese with English abstract).
- Sakurai, R., Okuda, K., & Tsukahara, D. (2016). “Local residents’ perceptions of the Reconstruction Supporters and current situation of reconstruction: survey toward residents at Miyakoji area of Tamura City, Fukushima Prefecture”. Journal of Rural Planning 35(3): 389-397. (in Japanese with English abstract).
- Sakurai, R., Ota, T., Uehara, T., & Nakagami, K. (2016). “Public perceptions of a coastal area among residents around Hinase Town of Okayama Prefecture: analysis based on location of residence”. People and Environment 42(3):18-26. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R. (2016). “Implementation and evaluation of a course regarding wildlife issues taught to international students at a university – qualitative analysis of reports submitted by students -”. Japanese Journal of Environmental Education 26(1):38-51. (in Japanese with English abstract).
- Sakurai, R., Ota, T., Uehara, T., & Nakagami, K. (2016). “Factors affecting residents’ behavioral intentions for coastal conservation: Case study at Shizugawa Bay, Miyagi, Japan”. Marine Policy 67: 1-9.
- Sakurai, R., Kobori, H., Nakamura, M., & Kikuchi, T. (2016). “Influence of residents’ social interactions in and affections toward their community on their willingness to participate in greening activities”. Environmental Science 29(3):137-146. (in Japanese with English abstract).
- Sakurai, R., & Kobori, H. (2015). “University students’ awareness and willingness to participate in conservation and monitoring activities of natural environment”. Environmental Information Science 44(3): 73-78. (in Japanese with English abstract).
- Kobori, H., Dickinson, J. L., Washitani, I., Sakurai, R. et al. (2015). “Citizen science: a new approach to advance ecology, education, and conservation.” Ecological Research 31(1): 1-19.
- Sakurai, R., Kobori, H., Nakamura, M., & Kikuchi, T. (2015). “Factors influencing public participation in conservation activities in urban areas: a case study in Yokohama, Japan.” Biological Conservation 184: 424-430.
- Sakurai, R., Kobori, H., Kikuchi, T., & Nakamura, M. (2015). “Opinion gaps and consensus building between members of Association for Community Development Embracing Flowers and Greenery based on their positions: from qualitative and quantitative study”. People and Environment 41(1): 40-47. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R., Jacobson, S. K., Matsuda, N., & Maruyama, T. (2015). “Assessing the impact of a wildlife education program on Japanese attitudes and behavioral intentions.” Environmental Education Research 21(4): 525-539.
- Gong, W., Sakurai, R., & Kada, R. (2015). “Understanding local fish consumption behavior in Laguna Lake watershed area, Philippines.” African Journal of Food Science 9(4): 176-181.
- Yasuda, A., Yokoyama, A., Sakurai, R., & Nin, M. (2015). “Pros and cons of sport hunting: a survey of the change in student attitude through a simplified lecture.” Japanese Journal of Human Animal Relations 39: 73-79. (in Japanese with English abstract).
- Sakurai, R., Enari, H., Matsuda, N., & Maruyama, T. (2014). “Testing social-psychological theories to predict residents’ behavioral intentions regarding wildlife issues – Application of Theory of Planned Behavior and Wildlife Acceptance Capacity Model-”. Honyurui Kagaku (Mammalian Science) 54(2): 219-230. (in Japanese with English abstract).
- Sakurai, R., & Ueda, G. (2014). “Influence of respondents’ attitudes on their response time: questionnaire survey regarding perceptions of retired hunters”. Journal of Rural Planning 33:329-334. (in Japanese with English abstract).
- Sakurai, R., Komatsu, N., & Kobori, H. (2014). “Japanese perceptions of climate change and their behavioral intentions of visiting cherry blossom festival.” Global Advanced Research Journal of Social Science 3(3): 37-43.
- Sakurai, R., S. K. Jacobson, & G. Ueda. (2014). “Public perceptions of significant wildlife in Hyogo, Japan.” Human Dimensions of Wildlife 19:88-95.
- Sakurai, R., Ueda, G., & Jacobson, S. K. (2013). “Evaluation of the effectiveness of the community bear education seminar at Tajima region, Hyogo Prefecture: change of participants’ awareness and behaviors after the seminar”. Wildlife and Human Society 1(1): 29-37. (in Japanese with English abstract).
- Sakurai, R, S. K. Jacobson, & G. Ueda. (2013). “Public perceptions of risk and government performance regarding bear management in Japan.” Ursus 24:70-82.
- Sakurai, R., Matsuda, N., Maruyama, T., & Jacobson, S. K. (2013). “Overview of the Model District Program for reducing human-wildlife conflicts in Tochigi Prefecture”. Wildlife and Human Society 1(1):47-54. (in Japanese with English abstract).
- Sakurai. R, S. K. Jacobson, & J. S. Carlton. (2013). “Media coverage of management of the black bear Ursus thibetanus in Japan.” Oryx 4:
- Sakurai, R., Ueda, G., & Jacobson, S. K. (2012). “Effectiveness of the community bear education seminar – conducting pre and post survey at Hidaka Town of Toyooka City in Hyogo Prefecture -”. Kyosei Studies 6(1):380-392. (in Japanese with English abstract).
- Sakurai, R., Ueda, G., & Jacobson, S. K. (2012). “Survey of residents regarding the Asiatical black bear at Tajima region of Hyogo Prefecture: designing and conducting questionnaire survey for policy application and management interventions”. Wildlife Conservation Japan 13(2):33-46. (in Japanese with English abstract).
- Ueda, G., Kodera, Y., Kurumada, T., Takeuchi, M., Sakurai, R., & Sasaki, C. (2012). “Factors affecting hunting desertion in Japan: proposal for retention measures”. Wildlife Conservation Japan 13(2): 47-57. (in Japanese with English abstract).
- Sakurai, R., Ueda, G., & Jacobson, S. K. (2011). “Bears with various meanings recounted in the narratives of local residents: interviews at Tajima region of Hyogo prefecture.” Journal of Rural Planning 30:399-404. (in Japanese with English abstract).
- Sakurai, R. & Jacobson, S. K. (2011). “Evaluation of the Monkey-Persimmon Environmental Education Program for Reducing Human-Wildlife Conflicts in Nagano, Japan.” Applied Environmental Education and Communication 10:43-51.
- Sakurai R, Jacobson, S. K., Kobori, H., Primack, R., Oka, K., Komatsu, N., & Machida, R. (2011). “Culture and climate change: Japanese cherry blossom festivals and stakeholders’ knowledge and attitudes about global climate change.” Biological Conservation 144: 654-658.
- Sakurai, R. & Jacobson, S. K. (2011). “Public perceptions of bears and management interventions in Japan.” Human-Wildlife Interactions 5(1): 123-134.
- Sakurai, R. & Jacobson, S. K. (2010). “Assessing the Effectiveness of the Tailored Design Method for Increasing Response Rates of Mail Surveys in Japan.” Sociological Theory and Methods 25(2): 267-274.
- Sakurai, R. & Jacobson, S. K. (2009). “A Review of Public Attitudes Toward Bears in Japan.” Human Dimensions of Wildlife 14: 224-226.
- Sakurai, R. (2024). “Introduction to evaluation of environmental education program”. Mainichi Shimbun Publishing Inc. (in Japanese)
- Sakurai, R. (2023). “New Edition: How to become a professor? Tips for living happy researcher and faculty life”. Nihonbashi Shuppan. (in Japanese)
- Sakurai, R. (2023). “Education that fosters sense of place toward waterside”. in Understanding waterside. First issue of living near waterside in terms of SDGs. (Asaoka, Y., & Takada, M. Eds). Asakurashoten. p. 85-88. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R. (2022). “Chapter 5: The Ecological City: With a Specific Focus on Participatory Biological Conservation” in City, Public Values, and Capitalism (Mori, H., Yoshida, T., & Anttiroiko, A. Eds). Northwestern University Libraries. p. 99-117. DOI: 10.21985/n2-w74g-x218
- Sakurai, R. (2022). “Practical Case Studies: Human resources development for protecting rich ocean at Hinase Town of Okayama Prefecture”. in Knowing, Understanding, and Teaching SDGs Ⅲ (Abe, O., & Iwamoto, Y. Eds). Gakubunsha. p. 83-88. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R. (2021). “How to become a professor? Tips for living happy researcher and faculty life”. Nihonbashi Shuppan. (in Japanese)
- Sakurai, R. (2020). “Chapter 27: Human Dimensions of Asiatic Black Bear Conflicts and Management in Japan” in Bears of the World: Ecology, Conservation and Management (Penteriani, V., & Melletti, M. Eds). Cambridge University Press. p. 370-378.
- Sakurai, R. (2019). “Chapter 5.6: Local residents’ sense of place toward coastal area and potential of Satoumi education program.” in Integrated Coastal Management in the Japanese Satoumi (Yanagi, T. Eds). Elsevier.
- Sakurai, R. (2019). “Chapter 5.7: Sense of place toward coastal area and potential of Satoumi Education”. in Theory of Satoumi Management: beautiful, rich, active, and sustainable sea (Yanagi, T. Eds). Nourintokei Kyoukai. p. 236-240. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R. (2019). “Chapter 66: Damage caused by wildlife”. in Encyclopedia of Sustainable Society and Education (Japanese Society for Environmental Education Eds.) Kyoiku Shuppan. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R. (2019). “Human Dimensions of Wildlife Management in Japan: from Asia to the World.” Springer.
- Sakurai, R. (2019). “Chapter 9: Collaborative approach for coexistence with wildlife in rural regions of Japan.” in Human-wildlife interactions: turning conflict into coexistence (Frank, B., Glikman, J. A., & Marchini, S. Eds). Cambridge University Press.
- Sakurai, R. (2018). “Research on educational effects of marine program at Hinase Junior High School”. in Marine education program learning from people and sea: Part 3 (Hinase Junior High School, Bizen City, Okayama Prefecture Eds). Hinase Junior High School. Bizen City, Okayama Prefecture. p.45-59. (in Japanese).
- Kobori, H., Ellwood, E. R., Miller-Rushing, A. J., & Sakurai, R. “Citizen science.” in Encyclopedia of Ecology. Second edition. (Parrot, L. Eds). Elsevier.
- Sakurai, R. (2017). “Chapter 13 Conservation of biodiversity and environmental education”. in SDGs and environmental education (Sato, M., Tashiro, N., & Kanie, N. Eds). Gakubunsha. p. 228-247. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R., & Yan, W. (2017). “Chapter 4: Government Led Reconstruction Activities in Fukushima with a Specific Focus on the Reconstruction Supporters Project; importance of human recovery” in Tsunami and Fukushima Disaster: design for reconstruction (Roggema, R. and W, Yan. Eds). Springer, p. 39-46.
- Sakurai, R. (2016). “Are wildlife issues human issues?” in Wildlife of Tochigi Prefecture: outcome of our research (Seki, Y., Maruyama, T., Okuda, K., & Takeuchi, M. Eds). Zuisosha. p.256-264. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R. (2016). “Chapter 1 Environmental problems, their causes, and sustainability” “Chapter 2 Science, matter, energy, and systems” in Encyclopedia of environment (Matsuda, N., Akiba, H., Ebisudani, M., Kimura, K., Sakurai, R., & Sasaki, S. Supervisors of translation). Maruzen Shuppan. p.1-50. (in Japanese).
- Jacobson, S. K., Wald, D. M., Haynes, N., & Sakurai, R. (2014). “Urban Wildlife Communication and Negotiation.” in Urban Wildlife Conservation: Theory and Practice (McCleery, R., Moorman, C., & Peterson, N. Eds). Springer. p. 217-238
- Sakurai, R. (2013). “Facilitation Skills for Guiding Participatory Decision Making.” in Sustainable Development of Regional Society with focus on Biodiversity: ProSPER. Net Joint Project (Japanese Coordination Committee for Man and the Biosphere. Eds). Yokohama National University.
- Sakurai, R. (2011). “Are Bears Our Friends or Enemies?: Review of public opinion toward bears and bear management in Japan and North America”. Lambert Academic Publishing.
- Sakurai, R. (2011). “Chapter 22 Communication as an effective management strategy in a diverse world” in Wildlife and society: the science of human dimensions (Igota, H., Ueda, G., Suzuki, M., Yamamoto, T., &Yoshida, T. Eds and Supervisors of translation). Bunneido Shuppan. p.305-320. (in Japanese).
Other academic papers
- Tsunoda, H., Enari, H., & Sakurai, R. “Trophic cascades by recovered wolf populations: a review of North American and European cases”. Japanese Journal of Ecology 74: 11-24. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R. (2023). “Perceptions of local residents toward coastal conservation and evaluation of marine education.” Scientific Forum of the Seto Inland Sea 86: 20-23. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R. (2023). “Human dimensions of wildlife management: creating community where people and wildlife coexist”. Journal of the Agriculture 1701: 38-47. (in Japanese).
- Uehara, T., Hidaka, T., & Sakurai, R. (2023). “People’s perceptions of Satoumi and rich seas: A comparative study using text mining.” Policy Science 30(2): 89-101. (in Japanese with English abstract).
- Minato, N., Sakurai, R., Kito, K., & Yamagata, K. (2021). “Is Space-Flight Resource Management Skillset Effective for Remote Workers on Ground?” Proceedings of 11th IAASS Conference. pp. 173-183.
- Sakurai, R., & To, K. (2021). “Conducting international collaborative research in uncertain times:
Publishing the third issue of Environmental Education in Asia.” Japanese Journal of Environmental Education 31(2): 1-3. DOI: 10.5647/jsoee.31.2_1 - To, K., Noguchi, F., Ninomiya-Lim, S., Iida, T., Nagahama, K., Sakurai, R., Won, J., Yang, H., Iwasa, R., Tamura, K., Asaoka, Y., and Hagiwara, G. (2021). “Environmental education and COVID-19: Impact and response Online roundtable session report.” Japanese Journal of Environmental Education 30(3): 11-17. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R. (2020). “Implementing international exchange program for Japanese junior high school students and international university students with a specific focus on marine conservation”. Policy Science 27(2) 101-110. (in Japanese with English abstract).
- Uehara, T., Sakurai, R., Hidaka, T., Matsuda, O., Yanagi, T., & Yoshioka, T. (2019). “What is Satoumi?” Policy Science 27(1): 89-107. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R., & Furihata, S. (2019). “Advancing environmental education research from Asia: why Asia?” Japanese Journal of Environmental Education 28(4): 85-88.
- Furihata, S., & Sakurai, R. (2019). “Environmental education research in Asia: exploring the possibility of international collaborative research” Japanese Journal of Environmental Education 28(4): 1-3.
- Sakurai, R. (2019). “Role-playing workshop regarding wildlife issues targeting undergraduate students”. Policy Science 26(2): 145-154. (in Japanese with English abstract).
- Sakurai, R., Tidball, K. G., Stedman, R. C., & Tsunoda, H. (2018). “Exploring social-ecological resilience via three megafauna in Japan: an exercise in integrating ideas of human dimensions of wildlife management, Satoyama, and SES thinking.” Policy Science 25(2): 1-12.
- Sakurai, R. (2017). “Research aiming to establish Human Dimensions as new academic discipline in Japan: implementing social research for coexistence with environment”. People and Enviornment 43(3): 16-18. (in Japanese).
- Ninomiya, S., Sakurai, R., Kim, C., Chang, T., Lee, L. & Furihata, S. 2017. “Sharing, comparing, and developing environmental education in Asia: for the journey to be continued” Japanese Journal of Environmental Education 26(4):77-83.
- Sakurai, R., T, Ota, T, Uehara, & K. Nakagami. (2017). “What affects public willingness to conserve coastal areas?” Proceedings of International Conference “Managing risks to coastal regions and communities in a changing world” (EMECS’11 – SeaCoasts XXXVI, St. Petersburg). Moscow, RIOR Publ.
- Sakurai, R. (2017). “Introducing ‘Participation Evaluation Sheet’ for fostering students’ active involvement in classes”. Ritsumeikan Higher Educational Studies 17: 241-247. (in Japanese with English abstract).
- Sakurai, R. (2017). “Evaluation of educational effects on junior high school students caused by a marine program regarding Satoumi”. Japanese Journal of Environmental Education 26(4). (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R. (2016). “Economic valuation of placing campus patrol for reducing smoking: contingent valuation study toward students”. Policy Science 24(1): 51-59. (in Japanese with English abstract).
- Sakurai, R. (2016). “Efforts towards FD (Faculty Development) and potentials of applying to CRPS Program at College of Policy Science: a report on the research of domestic FD activities of 2015”. Policy Science 24(1):61-68. (in Japanese with English abstract).
- Nakagami, K., Obata, N., Takao, K., Uehara, T., Ota, T., Sakurai, R. et al. (2016). “The coastal management based on the ecosystem service”. Environmental Conservation Engineering 45(3):118-125. (in Japanese).
- Ota, T., Uehara, T., Sakurai, R., & Nakagami, K. (2016). “The economic value of clean and biologically high-productive sea: a case of beach and oyster aquaculture in the northeastern area of Hiroshima Bay”. Policy Science 23(4):99-121. (in Japanese with English abstract).
- Sakurai, R., Akiba, H., & Matsuda, H. (2015). “Human dimensions and regulatory science: establishing a scientific discipline for supporting decision making and evaluating policy in wildlife management”. Policy Science 23(1): 47-52. (in Japanese with English abstract).
- Takano, T., Hagiwara, G., Sato, M., Noguchi, F., Ninoimya-Lim, S., Won, J., Sakurai, R. et al. (2015). “Trends in environmental education in light of the affiliated organizations of Japanese Society of Environmental Education (JSOEE), and proposals for the effective implementation of the international exchange”. Japanese Journal of Environmental Education 24(3): 114-122. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R., Kobori, H., & Seki, E. (2014). “Challenges and potential of citizen science: based on interview towards citizen science organizations”. People and Environment 40(1): 45-48. (in Japanese).
- Kobori, H., Sakurai, R., & Kitamura, W. (2014). “Designing community embracing greenery in private area: attempts for developing green community utilizing Yokohama Green Tax through collaboration among government, district, and university”. Environmental Information Science 43: 34-39. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R., Matsuda, N., Maruyama, T., & Takahashi, Y. (2014). “Residents’ perceptions of wildlife conflicts at Momurahonden of Nasushiobara city: comparison with previous year and neighbor communities”. Bulletin on Wildlife in Tochigi Prefecture 39: 61-66. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R., & Tsunoda, H. (2013). “A report on the First International Wolf and Carnivore Conference and a community development utilizing the wolf in Thompson City”. Mammalian Science 53(2): 359-361. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R., Matsuda, N., Maruyama, T., & Takahashi, Y. (2012). “Front-end evaluation of the Model District Program for reducing human-wildlife conflicts at Ogaki district of Tochigi city: preparation and application of a logic model”. Bulletin on Wildlife in Tochigi Prefecture 38: 22-28. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R. (2012). “Residents’ perceptions and interventions toward Asiatic black bear: a case in Tajima region of Hyogo Prefecture”. Biological Resources 6(3): 14-24. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R., & Kobori, H. (2012). “Perceptions of stakeholders of Hirosaki Cherry Blossom Festival regarding climate change”. People and Environment 38(3): 25-28. (in Japanese).
- Ichikawa, H., & Sakurai, R. (2012). “Evaluation of wildlife damage prevention program implemented by urban students”. Research Paper of 2011 Oriental Stork Reintroduction Academic Research Grant. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R. 2012. “Conflict analysis and capacity building for community-based management of endangered and nuisance wildlife in Japan”. Dissertation presented to the graduate school of the University of Florida.
- Sakurai, R. (2011). “Qualitative and quantitative approach to understand residents’ perceptions of black bears: human dimensions study as a tool to bridge the gap between academic world and conservation practice”. Research Paper of 2010 Oriental Stork Reintroduction Academic Research Grant. (in Japanese with English abstract).
- Sakurai, R., & J, Barnes. (2010). “Recommendations for effective black bear management in Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area: Expected future problems and solutions.” Park Break Perspectives 7: 1-6.
- Sakurai, R., & Enari, H. (2010). “What is human dimensions? Establishment and development of social science approach in wildlife management”. Wildlife Forum 14(3/4): 16-21. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R. (2009). “Public Opinion toward bears and bear management in Japan and North America”. MS thesis. University of Florida, Gainesville.
- Sakurai, R. (2007). “Considering reintroduction of the wolf (Canis lupus) as a national barometer of environmental consciousness: a model comparison of Europe, America and Japanese cases”. Journal of Politics at Department of Politics of Faculty of Law, Keio University 37: 111-133 (in Japanese).
Other publication
- Sakurai, R. (2022). “How can universities effectively recruit faculty members? Case from the US”. Asahi Shimbun Ronza. February 10th, 2022. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R. (2021). “Significance of worldwide citizen science project: Case study of City Nature Challenge”. Asahi Shimbun Ronza. July 26th, 2021. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R. (2021). “A marine education program implemented at a junior high school in a fishing village of Seto Inland Sea”. Asahi Shimbun Ronza. May 28th, 2021. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R. (2018). “What is evaluation of environmental education?”. Kids of the Earth. May/June Issue. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R., & Akiba, H. (2015). “Will mentoring revive the laboratory? Developing human resources and collaboration among people”. Wildlife Forum. 19(2): 30-33. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R. (2014). “Bear research report 6: residents’ acceptance capacity of Asiatic black bears and evaluation of government performance”. Bears Japan 14(3): 20-21. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R. (2013). “Report of 42nd Conference of North American Association of Environmental Education and introduction of mentoring program”. Newsletter of Japanese Association for Environmental Education 103: 4-5. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R., & Wakamatsu, N. (2013). “Visiting Redberry Lack Biosphere Reserve of Saskatchewan, Canada”. Japan Info MAB 39: 5-8. (in Japanese).
- Wakamatsu, N., Sakurai, R., & Koide, D. (2012). “Participating a tour of forest, river, and sea at Aya, Miyazaki”. Japan InfoMAB 38: 11-15. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R. (2011). “Community development through bear!? Report about bear festival for outreach at Florida”. Wildlife Forum 15(2):14-17. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R. (2010). “Evaluation of persimmon harvesting program with urban residents at Nagano Prefecture”. Japan Bear Network. (in Japanese).
- Sakurai, R. (2010). “Fostering environmental education program implemented by rangers”. (in Japanese).
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